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In October of 1988 the Swedish Society of Child Psychotherapists invited Martin Soltvedt to give a one-day seminar describing his method of working with parents and children together in the sandbox. Since then, interest for this method of child and family psychotherapy has steadily increased in Sweden and other neighbouring countries.

Barbro Sjölin-Nilsson became inspired during the seminar in 1988. She  found herself drawn to this method which combines important elements from child psychotherapy and family therapy. She found the ability to reach even the younger family members in this child oriented family therapy to be of particular interest.

Barbro Sjölin-Nilsson then invited Martin Soltvedt to come to Stockholm where he gave numerous 2-day courses in the BOF method. Thus began the close co-operative collegial work between the two, which has resulted in the wide spread use of BOF, as a treatment option as well as a diagnostic evaluation procedure in work with children and families in Sweden.

Senast uppdaterad 9 januari, 2018 klockan 19:36.